Navigating Expectations and Doubts: Insights from the 17th Karmapa

Karmapa on expectations and doubts: It is normal that we expect, because we are living in a conditioned world, and there are components that make us a conditioned being. So it is only normal, and if we just have expectations from time to time genuinely, without excessive emotion, I think it is okay. Similarly, we also have doubts. And the same principle applies: if we have continuous, excessive doubting, of course it is unhealthy for the mind and then eventually for the whole system. So when we don't know things, it is normal that we have doubts, and we can simply clarify things. When we gain experience, by learning and absorbing knowledge, we see clearly that we have nothing to doubt. Therefore, when we first accept that we have expectations and doubts, a lot of challenges are naturally overcome. And then the next step will be to negotiate all of the emotions that come along with expectations and doubts. Then it becomes much simpler. 17th karmapa


Living in a conditioned world, our minds are naturally influenced by expectations and doubts. The 17th Karmapa, a revered spiritual leader, provides valuable insights into understanding and navigating these inherent aspects of the human experience.

Expectations in a Conditioned World:

The 17th Karmapa acknowledges the normalcy of having expectations, attributing it to our existence in a conditioned world. He emphasizes that occasional expectations, expressed genuinely and without excessive emotion, are acceptable. This recognition of expectations as a part of our nature sets the stage for a more nuanced exploration of the mind.

Doubts: A Natural Response to the Unknown:

Similarly, doubts are seen as a natural response to the unknown. The Karmapa emphasizes that continuous, excessive doubting can be detrimental to the mind and the overall system. However, he also highlights the positive aspect of doubts—they prompt us to seek clarification. In the face of uncertainty, doubts serve as catalysts for learning and gaining knowledge.

Clarity through Experience:

As we navigate the realms of expectation and doubt, the 17th Karmapa advocates for gaining experience. Learning and absorbing knowledge contribute to a clearer understanding, dispelling doubts that may arise from ignorance. The idea is that as we accumulate wisdom, we find that there is often no basis for persistent doubts.

Acceptance as the First Step:

Crucially, the Karmapa suggests that accepting the existence of expectations and doubts is the initial step in overcoming associated challenges. This acknowledgment is not a defeat but a recognition of our humanity. By accepting these mental phenomena, we create a foundation for a more mindful and balanced approach to life.

Negotiating Emotions:

Beyond acceptance, the 17th Karmapa encourages individuals to navigate the emotions tied to expectations and doubts. This involves a conscious effort to find equilibrium and not be overwhelmed by the emotional aspects of these mental states. By negotiating these emotions, individuals can simplify the complex interplay between expectations and doubts.


In conclusion, the teachings of the 17th Karmapa offer a profound perspective on expectations and doubts. By recognizing them as natural elements of our conditioned existence, and by navigating associated emotions with mindfulness, individuals can cultivate a balanced approach to life. The journey involves acceptance, learning, and the gradual dispelling of doubts through experience, leading to a clearer


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